Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Bed, Bath & Beyond Checklist

Hello there!
For those of you who, like me, are preparing to move away from home and into University accommodation, you may be wondering what exactly to take. I've found it difficult to think off the top of my head of things that I need to buy so I have been searching the good old interwebs for some help.
Students in the US (and maybe other countries, I'm not sure) are always mentioning the store Bed, Bath & Beyond when talking about shopping for university supplies. While searching for inspiration and helpful lists, I had a look on the Bed, Bath & Beyond website and came across a very helpful checklist.

(Click on the picture to go to the website)

Although the list is aimed towards US students and many of the items on the list are either provided by my University or not allowed, I have found this checklist very helpful. I find that using this checklist and the headings it uses along with other lists has been a great help.

You'll propbably need to change this checklist to suit yourself, as I have, and may need to add items to it if you decide to use it. I will be using the headings used in this checklist in future posts as this is how I have organised the items which I have already purchased.

I hope you found this helpful and makes buying things for university a little bit easier.



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    1. Thank you :) I don't know how that happened but it's fixed now :)

      I'll definitely have a look!

      Sophie :)
