Thursday 17 May 2012

Review: Rimmel London Match Perfection Foundation

Hello lovelies!

I have decided that if I stuck to just school/university related topics on here this blog may end up being quite boring. For that reason, I have decided to share my love, and sometimes hate, for beauty products too. You don't mind, do you?

I thought that the best products to start with were my 'everyday' products so expect quite a few reviews over that next couple of days.

I decided to start with my foundation, Rimmel London's Match Perfection foundation.

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As you can see from the worn bottle, I've been using this baby for a while. The one I currently have is my 4th/5th bottle so I have used this sufficiently enough to review it.

Considering the amount of times I have repurchased this foundation, you would think that I am in love with this product. However, I am currently on the search for the perfect foundation.

Don't get me wrong, I do think this is a good foundation. The formula is good; it isn't too thick so it feels light on the skin and not like a mask.

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One difficulty I have with foundation is finding a shade which matches my skin tone well. I was really impressed with this foundation as I did match my skin tone well, which is probably why it's called 'Match Perfection'.

The only thing that disappoints me slightly is the coverage. I have pretty bad skin so I need a foundation with good coverage. Unfortunately, the coverage of this foundation is just OK.

I would highly recommend this foundation to anyone with fairly good skin but for those with problem skin, the coverage is not quite as great as you would need it to be.

Overall, I do think this is a good product but I will have to move on in my search for the perfect foundation. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Rimmel London Match Perfection Foundation is available here for £8.99.

Sophie :)


  1. interesting! i really love using lancome's miracle teint foundation -- it's AMAZING and adjusts to your skin throughout the day! it has a medium/dewy finish. it's expensive but worth every penny.


    1. I might give that I try sometime soon, thanks for your suggestion :)

      Sophie :)

  2. Try rimmel london lasting finish 25h

