Sunday 27 May 2012

Top 10 Study Tips

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Hello :)

So I promised that I would do some more school/university related posts since my blog has been overrun with beauty related posts recently. As it is exam time just now or coming up to exam time for some, I thought I would share my top 10 study tips. I'm currently in the middle of studying for exams so these are tips that I am currently using while I'm studying.

ONE: Find a study method that works for you!
I have gone through both Standard Grades and Highers (those who don't know what these are can find out here) while experimenting with study techniques to find what works for me. It has taken until this year for me to find a method that I find works for me which I shared in this post. I would definitely suggest trying to find a method that works for you as early as possible.

TWO: Study what you like least first!
If a certain subject that you are studying for has an area or topic which you like least, study this topic first. If you start with what you don't like, you are less likely to just not bother studying it. I often find that if I study the areas of a subject that I enjoy first, when I come to study the areas I don't enjoy I give up and don't bother studying that area. It's easier to study what you like so leave that until last.

THREE: Take regular breaks!
There is nothing worse than studying for hours on end and doing nothing else. Study for a couple of hours then take a break for a good half an hour to an hour to give your brain a rest. Try to avoid things like going on a computer or watching TV as they can often distract you for hours or even the rest of the day.

FOUR: Get help!
Ask a teacher of tutor to give you a help with your studying. You could ask them to sit down with you to go through the work if that works for you and they are willing too. I find it helpful to get a teacher or tutor to mark sample questions/essays or past paper answers to give me an idea of what I need to do. If you don't really want to go out of your way to go in to your school to get them to mark something, ask for an email address and email it to them. Teachers want you to pass your exams just as much as you do so will be willing to help you out.

FIVE: Eat healthily!
I know it's often very tempting to eat nothing but crisps and chocolate while your studying, and I am terrible for this, but try to eat healthier snacks. Healthy snacks are better for your brain, or so they say, so make sure you have some food available that is easy to snack on but good for you as well.

SIX: Don't cram the night before!
Do not leave all your studying to the night before! When you cram for an exam you don't take in as much information as you would if you study over a longer period of time because you are trying to force yourself to learn information. Spread your studying out over at least a week to make sure that you have time to learn everything that you need to learn.

SEVEN: Reward yourself!
I always find that I am much more productive when I reward myself for studying. I often set myself a target of what to do and if I reach my target I reward myself with something. You could reward yourself with anything like seeing your friends or watching your favourite movie, whatever motivates you.

EIGHT: Take days off!
While you're studying, you need to be aware that your brain will need to rest occasionally. Set aside one day a week that you can have as a day off. It doesn't have to be a whole day if you don't feel you have time for a full day off, it could just be an afternoon. However, don't use days off as an excuse not to study. One or two days off a week is perfectly enough, don't push it and take more!

NINE: Make note of what you struggle with!
During your studying, make notes of the things which you are struggling with. Spend a bit of extra time each day looking over the things you are not sure of and make sure to look over them again before the exam. If you still are not sure of some things after spending extra time on it, ask a teacher or tutor to go over it with you.

TEN: Have a good study space!
Make sure you have a good area to study in when you are preparing for exams. A good study space will have a decent sized area for you to study with space for all your books and equipment. You should study in an area that is quiet and you won't be distracted.

I hope you find these tips helpful and for those sitting exams soon, good luck!

Sophie :)

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